Thursday, November 24, 2011


I'm sorry somehow I forgot to mention an experience we had today. We found a lady that had been studying with a sister from the states named Michelle. Well, Michelle had to go back to the states and turned the study over to another visiting sister named Amber and she also went back to the states and is coming back in the next few weeks. Anyway the girl said she missed her study so much and wanted to study again and didn't want to wait for Amber so I am going along with Teri, a sister here, to resume the study next week. Her name is Anna. I will keep you "posted". I am going to try to get up early in the morning and go to the park and do some witnessing. I will let you know how it goes.


I'm not sure but this may have been the first day I have ever been out in service on Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful day. A sister and I started with a study of hers at 8:00 but the study was not at home, however, her brother lives next door and we got to talk to him and place magazines. Then we went off to the grociery store to do some witnessing. On the way there the sister mentioned a security guard that worked there that has a daughter that is studying and she felt he really would love a study in Spanish and she was hoping to see him. Well as it turns out we did see him and he was the same guard that had stopped and talked to me there about 2 days ago!! We had a nice (and confusing due to the language barrier) conversation. Gave him the Bible Teach book in Spanish and set up for the Missionary Brother to study with him at his lunch breaks. Then off to the field service group. We met up with Blake and 4 other brothers, yes I said brothers. We worked a very nice expensive territory. We were invited back to visit 3 people. The parents were at home but did not speek English but told us their children did and to come back so we will do that on Saturday and see how that goes. Here are some beautiful pics of some plants I saw. OH Yeah, Blake made us a late lunch early dinner. Bacon and eggs his specialty. It was actually VERY good.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I have so much to say and very little time to say it. We have made it here safe and sound. I guess that is the most important thing to tell you all. Our drive to Florida was very nice and thankfully uneventful. As we pulled out of Frankfort it was very surreal for us all. It was as if we were riding off into the sunset and ahead to the future.

Florida was nice. We got to visit Anna Nicholson in Orlando, oh way, and Hoby. We went to Universal and the first day I lost my cell phone on the 'Hulk'. A very cool or should I say cruel roller coaster. Then on the day before we left for Miami Mike's phone died on us.

Anyway, we had some major craziness with getting the papers for Dakota back from the Panama Embassy. In fact on the Monday morning, the day before we left, I was on the phone with them trying to figure out how we could get the papers for our flight on Tuesday at 9:50am. Well we were able to pay a mere fortune and got the papers sent to the airport and they were there waiting for us. So I was able to take a big sigh of relief 'thinking' everything was now going to be easy sailing. The next day proved to be trying. When we got to the airport we got sent to this counter and then over to that counter and then finally sent to the correct counter (one especially for passengers with pets). By the time we got to that counter the lady said we were too late and were not going to make our flight, but somehow she worked fast and was able to check us through then she personally walked us through security and we made it to the gate with about 10 minutes to spare. Then we were off for Panama!!!! The plan was crammed packed and we had nowhere to put out feet with Dakota lying on the floor. Thank goodness it was only a 3 hour flight. (Sorry Donna, at this point taking a picture was the last thing on my mind)

I WARNED YOU I HAD A LOT TO SAY!!! Time has run out. I have to clean some more and get some rest. I have service in morning. I love you all.